3RD FEBRUARYBen Rinnes (Corbett 78, 840m)NJ25535428
3RD MARCHHill of Foudland (467m)NJ60333229
7TH APRILFinalty Hill (905m)NO21075136
5TH MAYLittle Geal Charn (742m)NJ29819637
17TH-19TH MAYWeekend away Ben Cruachan area50
2ND JUNEA - Derry Cairngorm (Munro 21, 1150m)
B - Sands of Forvie for the flowers
A - NO017981
B - NK034289
A - 43/36
B - 38
7TH JULYA Glas Tulaichean & Beinn Iutharn Mhor (Munros 79& 88, 1051m and 1045m)
B Glas Tulaichean
NO051760 & A NO045792 43
12TH-14TH JULYGlenmore Lodge weekend - Ben Macdui, Shelter Stone may be included in this43/36
4TH AUGUSTSgor Mor (Corbett137, 813m) and Sgor Dubh(714mNO00691443
1ST SEPTEMBERBen Earb (801m)NO07969143
6TH-8TH SEPTEMBERLoch Cluanie area33
6TH OCTOBERAboyne to Tarfside (& shorter walk along the Esk)NO52497744
3RD NOVEMBERBridge of Dye to FettercainNO64784645
1ST DECEMBERBaudy Meg (488m)NO49693744
5TH JANUARYLord Arthur's Hill (519m)NJ51419837


Mon 21 JanDead Wife's Hillock (543m) NJ34326537 Strathdon14km, 280m ascent. A circular walk on track and offpath from the Grouse Inn.
Mon 18 FebPressendye (619m) NJ49009037 Strathdon14km, 350m ascent. A circuit from the north via Lazy Wells, on track.
Mon 18 MarHill of Glansie (726m) NO43069844 Ballater14km, 450m. A high round of peaty hills above Glen Lethnot, track & offpath.
Mon 22 AprMount Battock (778m) NO55084544 Ballater16km, 660m ascent. An easy circular from Glen Esk. Nearly all track.
Mon 13 MayFindochty-Portsoy (coastal) NJ46567529 Banff Huntly16km, no ascent. Lots of flowers, seabirds & the Bow Fiddle Rock.
Mon 17 JunCreag Bhalg (668m) NO09091243 Braemar15km, 450m ascent. A pretty circuit from Linn of Dee, includes Clais Fhearnaig, path & track.
Mon 22 Jul Lochnagar NE Ridge (1156m) NO24486244 Ballater19km, 860m ascent. A chance to visit the corrie's loch. Path & offpath.
Mon 19 AugCarn an t-Sagairt (1047m) & Carn an Tuirc (1019m) NO20884443 & 4418km, 700m ascent. An A-B from Glen Clunie including Tolmount. Path & offpath.
Mon 16 Sep West Knock (691m) NO47575744 Ballater16km, 550m ascent. A tour from Glen Lethnot, via the Clash of Wirren. Track.
Mon 21 OctCarn Mor (804m) NJ26518437 Strathdon14km, 305m ascent. A tour along the Ladder Hills from the Lecht. Path & offpath.
Mon 18 NovCreag nam Ban (527m) NO29994744 Ballater14km, 310m ascent. Circular from Littlemill, track & some offpath.
Mon 9 DecBalnagowan Hill (262m) NJ50200837 Strathdon12km, 250m ascent but route not properly organised yet. Xmas walk by Aboyne.
OS numbers refer to the pink Landranger 1:50,000 series.

Note that the routes for Monday walks are often unreccied, the grid refs are approximate only, the winter walks may change because of road conditions and autumn walks may change because of shooting.