WALK PROGRAMME Jan 2005 - Jan 2006

9TH JANUARY 2005Saint Cyrus Nature Reserve/ Johnshaven45
6TH FEBRUARYCarn Vallich Carn Leuchan37792744
6TH MARCHTBA Navigation walk
3RD APRILMount Blair 16763043
1ST MAYLadder Hills
12TH JUNE Beinn a Chaorainn A walk; Glen Tanar (possibly Mount Keen) B walk04601436; 44
3RD JULYBeinn Iutharn Mhor Beinn Iutharn Bheag A walk; Inverey to Carn Liath B walk046793 06579143
30TH JULYBraeriach WEEKEND Glenmore Lodge, Aviemore; alternative hillwalk in area TBA 36
7TH AUGUSTGlen Esk to Glen Clova
4TH SEPTEMBERMorven37704037
2ND OCTOBERSpeyside way
6TH NOVEMBERStockmounth45
4TH DECEMBERBennachie Woods followed by Christmas Lunch 38
8TH JANUARY 2006Goyle Hill Drumtochty woods68482045
Weekend Meets June 25/26th Crianlarich July 29/30 Aviemore Evening walk in summer to be arranged


This program may be subject to change.

Monday 17th January Mona Gowan (749m), from StrathdonOS37 9km, 380m. Charming short walk on track and path, a deer fence to cross!
Monday 21st FebruaryCreag na Ban (527m), by BallaterOS4411km, 377m. A ridge with great views up and down the Dee valley. Some offpath both up and down.
Monday 21st MarchGannoch (731m) and Tampie, from BirseOS4418km, 550m. Two hills on the Tanar/Esk watershed; walk mainly on landie track.
Monday 18th AprilBen Rinnes (840m)OS2812km, 660m. Interesting granite tors and a rare view of the river Spey.
Monday 16th MayPortsoy - Cullen (coastal walk)OS2914km. Hoping for lots of wildlife sightings! Walk mainly on path.
Monday 27th June Wolf Craig (715m), Glen EskOS4417km, 500m. A super route going up Glen Mark and down Glen Lee, beware a considerable amount of offpath.
Monday 25th JulyCarn an Tuirc (1019m), Glen ClunieOS4311km, 570m. Contact organiser/club to request any additional munros en route! …
Monday 22nd AugustCat Law (671m), Glen ProsenOS4412km, 420m. A Graham at the entrance to Glen Clova, descent through Glen Uig said to be very beautiful.
Monday 19th SeptemberHill of Gairny (756m), Glen EskOS4418km, 660m. Although lengthy, this is all on landie track, should give interesting views south.
Monday 24th OctoberCarn Ealasaid (792m), by the LechtOS3711km, 464m. A nice little circuit, heathery with some bog….
Monday 21st NovemberLord Arthur's Hill (518m), Coreen HillsOS3710km, 435m. Very attractive terrain close to Alford.
Monday 12th DecemberLadylea Hill (610m), Glen BuchatOS375km, 300m. Short and easy offpath before our Xmas lunch.
OS numbers refer to the pink Landranger 1:50,000 series.