WALK PROGRAMME Jan 2010 - Jan 2011

10TH JANUARY 2010Forest of Birse to Birse Church (The Coffin Road)44
7TH FEBRUARYCarn Ealasaid (Corbett)2276117536/37
7TH MARCHCoyles of Muick 33091244
4TH APRILDufftown Circular28
2ND MAYBen Tirran (Corbett)3735746144
6TH JUNEAn Socach (Munro)0799799843
4TH JULYCulardoch (Corbett)1935988236 and 43
1ST AUGUSTCarn a Choire Bhoidheach (Munro)2268845643 and 44
20TH - 21ST AUGUSTGlen Roy 34
5TH SEPTEMBERWater of Saughs44
3RD OCTOBERTom Trumper23118736
7TH NOVEMBERPannanich Hill and Craig Vallich393944/37792744
5TH DECEMBERLunan Bay to Arbroath54
9TH JANUARY 2011Tillymorgan and the Foundland Hills65234829


Mon 25 Jan Bin of Cullen (320m)11km, 270m ascent. A circular walk from Cullen, practically all on forest track/road, with lovely views out over the Moray Firth. OS29 Banff.
Mon 22 Feb Clachnaben (589m)10km, 450m. Hopefully this will be a circular route from the north, however, there is a deer fence en route, may incorporate barbed wire. Please bring sense of determination – or could do more easily as A-B, let me know!OS45 Stonehaven.
Mon 22 Mar Tap o Noth (563m)11km, 420m. A circular route, again from the north, this does include offpath, some a bit steep, and some just heathery but finishes easily on forest road. OS37 Strathdon.
Mon 19 Apr Rosehearty to Pennan (coastal) 10km. This initially follows the coast on a sometimes demanding path (option to climb barbed wire fence to safety of adjacent field), passing ancient castle and caves. then crosses fields before dropping to Pennan. OS30 Fraserburgh.
Mon 17 May Geal Charn (878m)18km, 600m.Start and finish at Inverey, ascending easily by the Carn Liath track, then offpath with bog along the high shoulder south, and descending steeply offpath by the (in)famous Top of the Battery. OS43 Braemar.
Mon 21 Jun Creag Leacach (1019m)10km, 700m. A charmingly stony mountain, southern neighbour to Glas Maol. Easiest circular, includes steepish grass descent, is from Devil’s Elbow below the ski centre. Please ask if more challenging route wanted. OS43 Braemar.
Mon 19 Jul Cat Law (671m)18km, 500m. The hill lies south of Glen Prosen, supposedly resembling a sleeping cat. Route includes 19th century Balintore Castle as well as the beautiful Glens Quharity and Uig. OS44 Ballater and OS53
Mon 16 Aug Lochnagar (1155m)15km or 18km, 850m. A circular walk from Glen Muick carpark, ascending the tourist route but with interesting variation including offpath. Poles desirable. Choice of descent – back down tourist or by the Glas Allt waterfall. OS44 Ballater.
Mon 20 Sep Ben Earb (814m)13km, 720m. A pleasant walk from Spittal of Glenshee, on straightforward ground, apart from a short bit of descent offpath on shortish vegetation. OS43 Braemar.
Mon 18 Oct Bennachie (518m)11km, 600m? A circular from the main visitor centre, will include all the tops. If I’m feeling mean, will also include all the carparks... OS38 Aberdeen.
Mon 22 Nov Airlie Monument16km, 300m. The monument at the foot of Glen Clova, as seen from the A90. This year we will go for an A-B to finish along the river South Esk to the Clova Hotel. 3rd time lucky? OS44 Ballater.
Mon 13 Dec Hill of Rowan (380m)8km, 200m. An easy circular walk from the carpark at Tarfside, Glen Esk, climbing to the Maule monument on top of the low hill, passing through farmland and moor. May include a dodgy bridge... OS44 Ballater.
OS numbers refer to the pink Landranger 1:50,000 series.