WALK PROGRAMME Jan 2006 - Jan 2007

8TH JANUARY 2006Goyle Hill (464m) Druntochty woods68482045
5TH FEBRUARYWest Gordon Way37
5TH MARCHSturdy Hill (544m) Glen Esk 59478044
2ND APRILCarn an Daimh (755m) / Carn Ait (864m) / Black Hill (757m) Circuit Start point 11069943
7TH MAYFungle Circuit44
4TH JUNE Glas Tulaichean (1051m)05176043
2ND JULYBen Vrackie (841m) Nr Pitlochry95063252/43
16TH JULYFalls of Unich38580044
6TH AUGUSTClub weekend Kinlochleven41
3RD SEPTEMBERDriesh (947m) and Mayar (928m)271736; 24173844
9TH SEPTEMBERKintail weekend 33
1ST OCTOBERCreagan a' Chaise (722m)/ Carn a Ghille Chearr ( 710m) Circuit (Cromdale Hills)104242; 13929936
5TH NOVEMBERPeter Hill (617m) Nr Strachan57788644
3RD DECEMBERStrathfinella Forest followed by Christmas Lunch 45
7TH JANUARY 2007Cambus O' May 44/37


This program may be subject to change.

Mon 16 Jan Glen Dye to Arnbarrow11km, 250m. Pleasant A-B walk, crossing the shoulder of Hound Hillock at 480m, then the old Deer Dyke near Clattering Brig. OS45
Mon 13 FebCreag na Ban (527m), by Ballater11km, 377m. A ridge with great views up and down the Dee valley. Some offpath both up and down (postponed from last year). OS44
Mon 20 MarLadylea Hill (610m), Glen Buchat13km, 460m.Lots of heather on a broad ridge walk, but easy return on forest road; good views of Strathdon. OS37
Mon 17 AprHill of Wirren (678m), Glen Esk NB Easter Monday15km, 690m. Large sprawling hill at entrance to Glen Esk, probably heathery! Track and possibly some offpath. OS44
Mon 15 MayPortsoy - Cullen (coastal walk)14km. Hoping for lots of wildlife sightings! Walk mainly on path. (Also postponed from last year). OS29
Mon 19 JunCapel Mounth, Glen Muick-Glen Clova-Glen Muick24km, 750m. Outward, crossing high moor on an old drove road, climbing back up to Bachnagairn and down the Streak of Lightning to Loch Muick. OS44
Mon 24 JulCarn a'Gheoidh (975m)16km, 450m. Route not finalised but will start at the Glenshee ski carpark and include Cairnwell. OS43
Mon 21 AugMount Battock (778m), from Glen Esk15km, 680m. Circular route mainly on landie, hoping for a more interesting route than Glen Dye...OS44
Mon 18 SepCarn na Farraidh (688m)17km, 400m. This is Nick Williams' "Burn of Brown" route, mainly a glen walk with only a short climb up over moorland. OS36
Mon 23 OctHill of Fare (433m)13km, 353m. Circular from Raemoir hotel, up scenically to Blackyduds, descending down over the Corrichie burn, past the granite quarry. OS38
Mon 20 NovCraiglich (476m), Tarland10km, 280m. To celebrate its rescue from the blight of quarrying - route not finalised, but mainly track, some offpath. OS37
Mon 11 DecBen Newe (565m), Glen Buchat4km, 300m. Attractive summit with potential for navigation practice. OS37
OS numbers refer to the pink Landranger 1:50,000 series.