WALK PROGRAMME Jan 2008 - Jan 2009

6TH JANUARY 2008Dinnet to Tarland37Minibus and/or coach
3RD FEBRUARYMeikle Tap/Midmar forest area (near Banchory)72302638Cars and or minibus
2ND MARCHMorven37604037Coach/minibus
6TH APRILLossiemouth coastal walk28Coach/minibus
4TH MAYLomond Hills of Fife179066/24406258/59Coach
31ST MAY SATURDAYCarn a' Mhaim99595243Cars
1ST JUNE SUNDAYConnachraig28587244Coach/minibus
5TH JULY SATURDAYCairn Toul96397243/36Cars
6TH JULY SUNDAYMonega hill18775743Coach/minibus
8/10 AUGUSTWeekend Meet Loch Lomond Cars
7TH SEPTEMBERMount Keen (Not Glen Tanar walk-in ! )40986944Coach/minibus
5TH OCTOBERHill of Wirran Glen Esk52373944Coach
2ND NOVEMBERBadendon Hill68867944Coach/minibus
7TH DECEMBERBlackhall Forest61586645Coach
4TH JANUARY2009Lord Arthurs Hill513 419837Coach/minibus


Mon 21 Jan Meikle Carewe (266m)8km, 200m. Near Stonehaven, the windfarm not yet approved so still an attractive walk; will include West Raedykes Roman camp and ring cairns dating from 3000-2000BC.OS45
Mon 18 FebMona Gowan (619m)9km, 380m.This is a charming walk in Strathdon, mainly track with some roughish walking; beware the deer fence (no overweight dogs, please). OS37
Mon 17 MarKerloch (534m)11km, 450m.We'll try a different route, A-B, from the west, will include 2km offpath through heather but otherwise lots of nice FC track. OS45
Mon 21 AprPeter's Hill (568m)17km, 326m.A longish walk under Morven, mainly track and path, lovely descent through regenerating pine forest. OS37
Mon 26 MayAilnack Gorge17km, 400m.The route lies above the gorge, and includes a burn crossing. There's 4km on tarmac, so I may change the route if asked nicely, tho' this loses the burn. OS36
Mon 23 JunLochnagar The Hard Way 23km, 950m.This is a route from the north, it looks tough, there's lots of offpath and boulders, please see Linda, Marianne or Maggie for the gory details. There is an easy track option of 20km, that approaches the hill but doesn't go up. OS44
Mon 21 JulTom Buidhe (957m)17km, 800m.Another big hill, a circular walk from Glen Clova carpark, largely on track, probably some offpath, and a burn crossing or two. OS44.
Mon 18 AugFerrowie (801m)13km, 450m.Along the Capel Mounth from Glen Muick, and back via Ferrowie, includes hunt-the-bomber for those with GPS. Some bog, more rough ground. OS44
Mon 22 SepCarn na Drochaide (818m)18km, 490m.A circular from Allanaquoich, descending via Glenn an t'Slugain, some gently descending offpath, not bad at all. OS43
Mon 20 OctBen Earb (801m)13km, 720m.A pleasant walk from Spittal of Glenshee, on straightforward ground, apart from a short bit of descent. OS43
Mon 17 NovAirlie Monument10km, 300m.This is the monument at the foot of Glen Clova, as seen from the A90. Hoping for an A-B with views of the glen. OS44
Mon 15 DecStrathfinella Hill (448m)7km, 400m.The Xmas halfday walk, from Auchenblae, mainly track and trees. OS45
OS numbers refer to the pink Landranger 1:50,000 series.