Sunday 6th July

Distance 16k 10miles Ascent 600 m

Terrain mainly good estate track OS map 43

This is a beautiful walk forming a part of the Monega Pass from (193697) Glen Isla and continues up the broad grassy ridge of Monega Hill. We enjoy superb views from the summit cairn (186756) deep into the Glens below and beyond towards the Drumochter Hills and to the south as far as Stirling. From Monega Hill (908m) we have a slight descent followed by a gentle climb to Little Glas Moal (973m) a Munro top (175760). A good estate track swings SW and takes us down to the pretty wooded area at the foot of the hill from then we retrace a short section of track by the river back to the car park.

Walkers must wear walking boots, carry WARM and waterproof clothing, hat and gloves and take plenty food and liquids. THESE ARE ESSENTIAL. Be prepared for all weathers. If the weather is hot take plenty fluids with you.

Meet at Culter Village Hall sharp
Transport please note!(The glen road is unsuitable for large buses) Private hire minibus TBA if available or car sharing. Bus fee £10 members £12 guests. If we decide to car share please give a realistic amount to the driver in fuel contribution owing to the high price of fuel. An update of the transport arrangements will be given ASAP.

Telephone Contact: 01224 735210 or 01224 733761 ASAP so transport can be arranged

Culter hillwalking club has no members who are qualified leaders or instructors. Therefore anyone volunteering to assist the club on a meet cannot be held responsible for other members' welfare. Members must be aware they are solely responsible for themselves at all times

Hillwalking and mountaineering are activities with a danger of personal injury and death. Those participating in these activities should be aware of the risks and accept the responsibility for their own actions and involvement. No responsibility can be accepted by Culter Hillwalking club committee, members, guests or co-ordinators of walks for any mishap, which may occur, during a meet.

All content copyright 2002-8 Culter Hillwalking Club unless stated otherwise. Site designed by Calum Brown and maintained by Jackie Potts.