Constitution of the Culter Hillwalking Club

  1. Name The Club shall be named the "Culter Hillwalking Club".
  2. Aim The aim of the Club is to encourage hillwalking and an interest in the countryside.
  3. Membership Members shall pay an annual subscription of an amount to be determined by the Committee. Members can invite guests for a walk. Intending members may participate in no more than two walks before becoming members of the Club.
  4. Committee The affairs of the Club shall be managed by a Committee of three Office-bearers, who shall be elected each year at the Annual General Meeting from the Club's membership. These shall be the:
    • Chairman
    • Treasurer
    • Secretary
  5. Co-option The Committee shall have the power to co-opt members to fill vacancies. Co- opted members of the Committee remain in office until the following Annual General Meeting, when they shall be eligible for re-election.
  6. Quorum A quorum of the Club shall be two Office-bearers and seven members.
  7. Retirement All of the Committee shall retire at the Annual General Meeting. Retiring members shall be eligible for re-election.
  8. Election Nominations to fill vacancies on the Committee may be made by members of the Club at the Annual General Meeting. Each nomination must be supported by a seconder. The election shall then proceed by simple ballot of those members present.
  9. A.G.M. The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall normally be held by the end of February and walk program meeting in October.
  10. Alterations to Constitution Proposed alterations shall be submitted to the Secretary prior to the Annual General Meeting, and be brought to the meeting where a simple majority of those adults present and voting shall be necessary to approve the amendment, subject to there being a quorum present.
  11. Responsibility Members of the Club, their guests, and intending members participate in the activities of the Club entirely at their own risk. No responsibility can be accepted by the Committee or the Club, nor the Leaders of the walks, for any mishap, which may occur during a meet.