Mount Blair and Duchray Hill

SUNDAY 3rd April 2005

OS Map 43
Distance: 20 km, ascent: 800 m
Walking Time: approx 6 hours

Mount Blair (744m) sits on the dividing line between Angus and Perth & Kinross; its isolated position makes it a perfect viewing platform for the bigger hills of Glenshee to the north, and means that it can also catch the full force of the wind. From Brewlands Bridge (196615), we take a short walk northwest along the B951 to Alrick. A left turn along the drive leads to the entrance to a track on the left. As the track veers southwest, we head northwest across farmland to a clump of trees. Continuing in a northwest direction, we pass through a gate, after which the ascent starts getting steeper. As we keep climbing we'll reach a fence that runs directly up to the summit, which can clearly be seen with its telecommunications tower. We descend Mount Blair by a well-worn track, which takes us down to the B951. A short distance westwards along the road brings us to a gate on the right, just before the woods. Following the edge of the trees, we cross some very marshy ground, before heading uphill. The way to the summit of Duchray Hill (702 m) runs parallel to a fence and old stone wall. The summit provides grand views northwards across Loch Beanie towards the scree-covered flank of Creag Leacach and just beyond it Glas Maol. To the northwest the craggy coire below the summit of Glas Tulaichean and on a clear day, the twin peaks of Ben More and Stob Binnein can be seen. We leave Duchray Hill, heading north west, to descend over open hillside and pick up a path from Loch Beanie and cross the footbridge over Allt Mor. A vague path continues towards and round the back of the steading at Invereddie, where a stile gives access to the track. Track, then road leads to the Compass Christian Centre at Glenshee Lodge (133683) where the bus will be parked.

Walkers must wear walking boots, warm and waterproof clothing, hat and gloves and take plenty food and liquids. THESE ARE ESSENTIAL. Be prepared for possible wintry conditions on the top whatever the forecast. There are some very boggy areas so gaiters are recommended.

Transport bus Meet Culter Village Hall 8am return approx 7pm

Contact club on or 07747 178657


Culter hillwalking club has no members who are qualified leaders or instructors. Therefore anyone volunteering to assist the club on a meet cannot be held responsible for other members' welfare. Members must be aware they are solely responsible for themselves at all times

Hillwalking and mountaineering are activities with a danger of personal injury and death. Those participating in these activities should be aware of the risks and accept the responsibility for their own actions and involvement. No responsibility can be accepted by Culter Hillwalking club committee, members, guests or co-ordinators of walks for any mishap, which may occur, during a meet.

All content copyright 2002-4 Culter Hillwalking Club unless stated otherwise. Site designed by Calum Brown and maintained by Jackie Potts.