Sunday 3rd February 2013

Ben Rinnes

Distance 9 - 11 kms. Ascent 530 metres OS Map 28

Ben Rinnes (Corbett 78, 840m) lies east of the River Avon off the B9009 between Dufftown and Glenlivet. The walk involves a moderate climb on a good track to the summit then on a ridge before heading downhill over rough moor land and finishing on a good track in the valley. There are excellent views across the Cairngorms and Moray Firth with the option to explore the tors near the summit, adding approx 2km to the route.

The walk starts at the car park off the B9009 (ref. 285360) and heads up a good track over Round Hill (411m) and Roy’s Hill (535m) then on to the summit of Ben Rinnes (840m). From there, the track heads NW along the ridge and there is the option to explore the tors at Lady’s Chair, Fauldgates Cairn and Scurran of Well (ref. 248365). The descent from the summit is off path to the east of Rowantree Burn and heads NE across heather and some boggy ground to join a track near the ford (ref. 262367). We then head SE on the track with a gentle descent curving to NEE and joining the minor road (ref. 282365) with a short walk back to the car park.

Total Time: Approx. 4.5 hrs (5.5 hrs including visiting the tors)

Note: This walk has some sections over open moorland, often rough and boggy and requires a reasonable level of fitness. The walk would be unsuitable if strong winds are forecast or access roads are icy and a contingency walk will be offered instead.

Meet at Culter Village Hall at 8:30 am, return around 5–6 pm. Transport by shared cars (contribution to the drivers) and refreshments afterwards (TBC). Contact Chris Weighill Tel: 01224-869115, or Della Russell Tel: 01330-820376. Closing date Wednesday 30th Jan 2013.

Walkers must wear walking boots, carry WARM and waterproof clothing, hat and gloves and take plenty of food and liquids. Be prepared for possible wintry conditions, whatever the forecast.

Culter hillwalking club has no members who are qualified leaders or instructors. Therefore anyone volunteering to assist the club on a meet cannot be held responsible for other members' welfare. Members must be aware they are solely responsible for themselves at all times Hillwalking and mountaineering are activities with a danger of personal injury and death. Those participating in these activities should be aware of the risks and accept the responsibility for their own actions and involvement. No responsibility can be accepted by Culter Hillwalking club committee, members, guests or co-ordinators of walks for any mishap, which may occur, during a meet. Dog owners must ensure that their dogs are on a short lead at all times.

All content copyright 2002-12 Culter Hillwalking Club unless stated otherwise. Site designed by Calum Brown and maintained by Jackie Potts.