Sunday 3rd May 2009

Carn an t-Sagairt Mor

16 kms (10 miles). Ascent 700 metres. OS maps 43 and 44.

We start from Keiloch Car Park (charge of £2-3), NO187913 and cross over the main A93 to enter Balochbuie Forest. We follow the track to the edge of the Forest via the Falls of Garbh Allt, where we pick up the Feindallacher Burn. Veering off this burn to the south east, we climb to a height of 727m before following the ridge up to the top of Carn an t-Sagairt Mor (NO208843). We retrace our route to the edge of the forest, but here we take another path which passes a Norwegian chalet before returning to Invercauld Bridge and the carpark.

Walkers must wear walking boots, carry WARM and waterproof clothing, hat and gloves and take plenty food and liquids. THESE ARE ESSENTIAL. Be prepared for possible wintry conditions on the top whatever the forecast below.

Meet at Culter Village Hall at 8.30am to return around 6pm. We shall be travelling by car.

Telephone 01330 820376 as soon as possible.

Culter hillwalking club has no members who are qualified leaders or instructors. Therefore anyone volunteering to assist the club on a meet cannot be held responsible for other members' welfare. Members must be aware they are solely responsible for themselves at all times

Hillwalking and mountaineering are activities with a danger of personal injury and death. Those participating in these activities should be aware of the risks and accept the responsibility for their own actions and involvement. No responsibility can be accepted by Culter Hillwalking club committee, members, guests or co-ordinators of walks for any mishap, which may occur, during a meet.

All content copyright 2002-9 Culter Hillwalking Club unless stated otherwise. Site designed by Calum Brown and maintained by Jackie Potts.