Sunday 6th February

Scolty Woodland Walk

Distance 10 miles Ascent 200 metres OS map 45

This is a circular walk, starting at the main Scolty Car Park. We set off on the main track up Scolty, but almost immediately turn off this to the left and walk through the woods, eventually joining a forest track which skirts round the east side of Scolty before coming to an abrupt end above Strachan. We then turn up through the forest and follow a path up to the finger post on the col. From there, those of us desperate to do Scolty yet again, can turn back to take in the summit, but we shall continue from the post in a westerly direction over the col and across the ridge towards Hill of Goauch and its lookout tower. In the forest we pick up the path which eventually skirts the wood with lovely views over the Feugh Valley, heading towards Shooting Greens. Before we reach there, however, we turn off to the north on various forest tracks down towards the river which we follow eastwards, passing the impressive Cairnton House, before turning off through the woods back to Scolty Car Park.

Walkers must wear walking boots, carry WARM and waterproof clothing, hat and gloves and take plenty of food and liquids. THESE ARE ESSENTIAL. Be prepared for possible wintry conditions on the top, whatever the forecast.

Meet at Culter Village Hall at 8.30am. Return 4 pm
Transport by car, contributions to the drivers please!

Contact Della Russell - 01330 820376

Names by Wednesday 2nd February

Culter hillwalking club has no members who are qualified leaders or instructors. Therefore anyone volunteering to assist the club on a meet cannot be held responsible for other members' welfare. Members must be aware they are solely responsible for themselves at all times

Hillwalking and mountaineering are activities with a danger of personal injury and death. Those participating in these activities should be aware of the risks and accept the responsibility for their own actions and involvement. No responsibility can be accepted by Culter Hillwalking club committee, members, guests or co-ordinators of walks for any mishap, which may occur, during a meet.

All content copyright 2002-10 Culter Hillwalking Club unless stated otherwise. Site designed by Calum Brown and maintained by Jackie Potts.